The author of Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Chernoh Alpha M.Bah, explanation of the outbreak in Sierra Leon and how it influences people’s perception and the response to Ebola from both the political and social perceptive, is one of my favourite reading as it correlates to the topics discuss in lectures so far. As he demonstrated, structural violence in this case must be understood in the context of a regional history and global economy that have cultivated inequalities. For instance, it is no coincidence that Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone are resource poor countries; their rich natural and human resources have long been extracted for foreign profit as opposed to being developed for the benefit of the general population. The lack of trust…
In West Africa, the “human experiment” lasted for hundreds of years. West Africans developed agriculture independently. This led to large, complex states. Eventually, more connections between the world zones hurt West African civilizations. The start of West African states West Africa developed agriculture on its own, like the Fertile Crescent did earlier. Starting around 3000 BCE, West Africans began to grow more food. This food was extra energy that supported more people than did hunting and…
SARS, and Ebola. One of the most latest global diseases outbreak is Ebola in West Africa. Ebola is a rare disease that caused by the Ebola virus which attack the cell body. It is a negative stranded RNA virus which derived from the Filoviridae family (3). Ebola virus can be transmitted directly through blood or other body fluids such as vomit, urine, semen, and breast milk, of infected person or indirectly by the objects that has been contaminated by body secretion. However, it cannot be spread…
taken advantage of throughout Africa And the Middle East. Most of them usually have no way to stand up for themselves. This is why they become victims. Women are often violated under the Taliban in Pakistan as well as in Afghanistan. Throughout Western Africa child labor and slavery occurs. These young men need the same help and attention that these women of the Middle East need. There are ways that society can draw an end to these violations of these people. Throughout western Africa one of the…
The issue of slavery in Africa started with the Portuguese expedition of West Africa in the fifteenth century. Prince Henry sponsored the Portuguese as their governor and was later named Prince Henry the Navigator after his establishment of a school for navigators at Sagres, Portugal in 1419. The purpose of this school was to train explorers in navigation, map-making, and science so they could be prepared to travel along the west coast of Africa. The Portuguese, who eventually became the one…
Many empires have risen over history. The Empire of Mali, which was founded by Sundiata Keita, was located in West Africa. A prominent country with its location becoming an important trade location by Muslims. The Aztec Empire was founded by Mexica people who later became known as Aztecs. The Aztec Empire was enormous as they ruled most of Mesoamerica and was one of the largest cities of its time. The Spanish Empire is one of the biggest empires to exist. A very politically, economically, and…
West Africa is a poor, helpless region who is living in poverty. West Africa has poor education for those who can afford schooling. Slavery still continues today, as hundreds of people used as hard labor. The topography is beautiful, covering 85% of West Africa with deserts, semi-deserts, steppe, grasslands, forests, and rain forests. The government is a federal republic, and the states in the region is far away from each other and the religion revolves around the everyday lifestyle. Culture is…
fact that Africa was rich in resources posed influence in itself. Considering that a great number of the visiting traders were Muslims and they begin to intermarry and form relationships with the West African people – economic and political alliances were formed and the adaptation of Islam was widespread. This migration of humans in and out of Africa illustrates the African Diaspora at work before the…
Mali is located in West Africa. They relied a lot on trade, and particularly the trade of gold. Islam was introduced to Mali by trade and it affected them in many ways. Ibn Battuta was considered one of the greatest medieval Arab travelers. “While in Mali in West Africa, he wrote his observations about the Mali people, who interwove their traditional customs with Muslim practices.” Ibn Battuta’s writings reveal that Mali takes Islam very seriously, and they live very closely to the Koran and 5…
Sahel, West Africa a location that is highly dependent on the field of agriculture for survival. The study of this specific area of the world focuses on the conflict the community is having to continue the agricultural portion of their economy. It was stated in a recent study that, “about 65 percent of the cultivable land have been degraded.” (Warner, 2009). A large percentage of the land in West Africa is labeled as unsuitable for the production of agricultural products, which causes a…