The Ethical Issues Surrounding Abortion The abortion debate is one that has baffled the world for centuries, and in the process has made this debate more complex and controversial. The abortion debate handles the ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ associated with the deliberate termination of pregnancy, which ultimately destroys the fetus.[1] Around the world, abortion has become a very sore topic, with many men and women finding themselves in a moral dilemma with regards to pregnancy termination.[2] This polarising topic has either supporters or opposers, with very few that remain undecided. There are two main questions that are often raised in this moral debate.…
Abortion is the planned termination of a human pregnancy. Several philosophers and activists have argued over if it is permissible. The author of A Defense of Abortion, Judith Jarvis Thomson, is correct about her argument that abortion is permissible even if the fetus is a person. This is because a woman’s right to bodily autonomy, which, combined with the woman’s own right to life, takes precedent over a fetus’s right to life. Even if people claim that she gave the fetus permission to be there, she should not be forced into going against her right to bodily autonomy.…
The topic of abortion is an extremely delicate one that is not to be taken lightly by any means. This debate is so delicate that it is possible that there may never be a mutual agreement reached between supporters of “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” alike. If an agreement is to be reached it is imperative that we answer several tedious questions like “At what point of conception is the unborn child living and at what point does it have basic human rights?” for example. Questions like this contain no easy answer and they will not be easily answered.…
If this were not true, there would be no need to even talk about rights of personhood. " Removing a fetus" would be the moral equivalent of pulling a tooth.” Some argue that a fetus is a person, therefore making them “pro-life”. Alternatively, “pro-choice” denotes the approach that a fetus is not a person until it reaches a certain stage of development.…
“If we accept the fetus as a person, it would imply that the fetus has the same rights that belong to a person, including the right of living” (Kadayifçi et al, 64). This proves that when morality is included into the topic of pro-life and pro-choice, pro-choice may not seem as ethically accurate. “If the fetus is a person and has the right to live, it is wrong to end the life of an innocent person, and no one would question the innocence of the fetus” (Kadayifçi et al, 64). Therefore, if people could see the fetus as just another person, they may be more prone to consider abortion as a bad…
People are known for having sympathetic feelings to a child who is visible over the unborn fetus. However, pro-life activists hold that emotions that cannot form a basis for justifying birth. With the fetus being born or not being born; the fetus does have a chance in becoming a full human being. Viability of a fetus to survive outside the womb independently is when the fetus is able to get that ‘full human being’ status. Abortion also raises ethical issues of character.…
In 2011, about 1.1 million abortions were performed in the United States which is equivalent to 3,300 abortions per day. Based on these statistics from the article: “Abortion incidence and Service Availability in the US, 2011” it demonstrates how abortion is one of the most controversial issues in today 's society. There are many women who are completely against it, however, there might be others who believe that abortion is a reasonable choice. Under the Constitutional right, a woman has the liberty to control her body, which means she has the ability to terminate a pregnancy.…
Abortion and the Ramifications We Face Abortion is considered by many to be a very controversial topic and seems to come down to the question of what the moral status of a fetus is. At what point is a fetus defined as a person the early stages of conception or the later stages of brain development and function. Many people across our nation have many different views on this particular subject. The moral status of the fetus is what makes abortion immoral. Taking another’s life regardless of the capacity is wrong.…
Abortion Ethical Dilemma Essay Almost every person will face an ethical dilemma at some point in their lives and will wonder what the ethical and moral option is. For some people, they will decide based on what they feel is the best option for them, and they will not ask God for guidance. However, when Christians face an ethical dilemma, they should first consult the Bible and pray that God will show them the option that most closely aligns with what He says in His Word. Also, God is with them, helping them and guiding them to the most ethical decision and will not forsake them (Hebrews 13:5).…
The most intricate writers on the subject of abortion all believe that whether or not abortion is morally permissible stands or falls on whether or not a fetus is the sort of being whose life it is seriously wrong to end. The purpose of this paper isn’t to address the greater ethics of abortion such as abortion before implantation or abortion when the life of a woman is threatened by a pregnancy; rather I seek to address the general argument for the claim that the overwhelming majority of deliberate abortions are seriously immoral. I which to investigate further Don Marquis claim that I something is living its wrong to kill it. If this were true people that are dying from disease would believe that they loss a future and all the experiences that they would have had. The second one is that killing alone is wrong because it automatically takes away the greatest loss, which is their life.…
When looking at human life from a moral point of view, can a fetus be considered a…
On the other hand, some people believe a fetus has the right to life, making it immoral to get an abortion. Many individuals, such as philosopher Mary Anne Warren believe that abortion should be legal without any restrictions on it. However many problems arise with this for me and I believe that we should take a stand against abortion and how it deprives from future…
There are many acrimonious debates about the ethics related to the practice of abortion. The movements of either being pro-choice or pro-life have complicated other issues such as monumental healthcare plans that affect every individual in the United States. At the core though, there is the ethical deliberation if abortion is right or wrong. A recent article from the Economist states that President Trump fully supports pro-life and intends to defund Planned Parenthood, which is the largest organization that perform abortions (Anti-abortion protesters hope for change under Donald Trump).…
An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that challenges our moral values and beliefs. We are presented with choices/options each day, and our decision to pick one option over the other is usually based on our ethical stance, beliefs, and values. Once these decisions are made, there are consequences, which could be positively or negatively impactful. Abortion has been a very sensitive topic over the years and once again one of the topics that takes center stage during this election year. There are many sides to the argument.…
A person is a person at conception “God said to the prophet Jeremiah, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart.’ (Jeremiah 1:5)” (Miller 3). There is no more selfish act than abortion, it robs a baby of the chance to live a life.…