According to Christian worldview, this would be the most ethical option. Susan seems to be leaning towards this option as she is not comfortable with aborting her unborn baby. When we are faced with ethical dilemmas, we make decision based on our past experience, values and beliefs. Using our innate instinctual feelings is a tool that guide us through the process and this innate feeling or voice is God’s way of guiding us.
• The other option would be aborting the baby. This option is considered unethical and goes contrary with the Christian worldview. This decision does not even guarantee absolute happiness and joy as the mother can develop post abortion syndrome and other complications from the abortion. Post abortion syndrome is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Also, the woman can experience a guilty conscience for the rest of her life or “have a delayed reaction as long as eight years, lastly the memory of it may haunt her for life” (Abortion, 2014).
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The holy scripture, which is the blueprint of Christianity, speaks against any form of murder. God values all forms of life, and according to the Bible, human life begins at conception. The book of Jeremiah 1:5 states that, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” This verse and others buttress the point that human life starts right away, therefore termination of pregnancy at any point of gestation is murder. God’s plan for humans might be different from ours. God is in control and have plans for each one of us before our lives even begins. He created human in his own image and likeness. He has a purpose for every single soul. Therefore, the Down syndrome fetus has a purpose on earth and deserve the chance to live and reach his or her full potential. Another core belief that would be applicable in this situation is the golden rule. In Matthew 7:12 Jesus stated that we should "do to others what you would have them do to you" (NIV). In this scenario, the mother should give the unborn child the opportunity to live, as she was given the chance to live. The diagnosis (down syndrome) can be a miss diagnosis or even if it’s a true diagnosis, its God’s plan