According to Walmart, people stealing merchandise and running away is nothing compared to more serious crimes like murdering a person inside the store. It is proven that more than 200 violent crimes have occurred in Walmart, including attempted kidnappings, shootings, murders at the nation’s 4,500 Walmarts. So approximately there is one crime per day that occurs in Walmart. Even though Walmart is not the safest place to shop at, they are still one of the most leading grocery store in the industry because of their low prices of …show more content…
A Walmart employee named Maureen McPadden that has worked with Walmart for 13 years sued Walmart for $31 million due to both gender discrimination and unlawful retaliation. Walmart’s reason to fire McPadden was because she did a careless mistake by misplacing her pharmacy key, but one other employee did not get fired after doing the same mistake. Not only that, while she was away for 2 weeks from the store because her doctor told her to, the pharmacy technician that works in Walmart accessed to McPadden’s private health information, which is a violation of the law. A huge company like Walmart should make the standards higher for workers and respect their privacy, if they kept on looking through employees’ private information, they might get