Most of their products are manufactured in the United States the rest are from other countries, how it’s distributed is by their many 11,505 store location via grocery store pick-up. When they advertise any product anywhere it always has to due to with low prices and claiming they can match other stores prices to give them a better deal, it’s always never a special item deal they have to advertise. How they advertise in general they do by T.V mostly follow by radio, both magazines and catalogs, even on their own website.
After look at Wal-Mart overall I feel that they will do good and be around for the next twenty year or so more than some other company will push them to a wall. But as a person soon to work there it doesn’t seem like a bad place to work at so I would say I wouldn’t mine working there, if you break their code of ethics you’ll be in trouble. Would I invest in the company? Not at all; reason being I have no reason to even spend my money so early on to weed a still growing company belly. What’s mostly is important building my future up and possible someone day owning my own company, just nothing as big as