Ethical Case Study: Supervising With Sharks

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I chose to write this week's Ethical Memo Assignment on the Case Study called “Supervising with Sharks: A Project Manager Deals with an Exploitative Boss written by Pamela Taquinion Brannon. Julia Masterson has just been hired as the Director of the Senior Volunteer Project. Six months into her job, Masterson begins to experience many issues within the company, the first being how the SVP FY is not in sync with its parent organization, Community Organization. The issue was brought up to Julia’s boss, Denise Hunter and was brushed under the rug. The second issue occurs when Denise Hunter tells Ms. Masterson that she will be hiring an event coordinator to fundraise for the company. It sounded like a great idea until the Denise discloses the salary of the event planner and the how much the company would bring in for “profit”, which is not a huge amount of money. The salary of the Event Coordinator would be $15,000, the money that was raised in the pass was less than that amount. The third issue is Ms. Masterson’s office being relocated away from her employees she supervises to a spot near her boss, Denis. Ms. Masterson would have no privacy when she would hold meetings. The fourth issue was the quarterly newsletters, Denise wanted Masterson to incorporate any SVP related news into the Volunteer Center's newsletter. …show more content…
This is also not a bad idea, but readers would not be able to differentiate the two entities apart. Also, this will give the Volunteer Center an entry way to utilize the SVP monies, since both parties would be working together. The fifth issue was the use of computer based systems within the organization. Ms. Masterson’s boss asked that Denise give up SVP’s database which holds 3,000 plus volunteers and use the Volunteer center’s database, which holds less than that. Doing this would cause Ms. Masterson to lose thousands of volunteer contacts and this would allow the Volunteer Center to use the monies of SVP since they would be working on a project together. The sixth issue was project costs, Ms. Masterson noticed that SVP was being billed for more than half of the phone and copier costs instead of one seventh of the costs since SVP is designated as one program. Last issue is the issue of Ms.Masterson’s boss reading her email. It is unethical to open the mail of someone else, and may even be illegal. As an employee, Ms. Masterson has the right to her privacy and this should be respected. There were many ethical challenges in this Case Study, the main challenge being Denise Hunter pushing her ideas on her employee to advance her own agenda, and doing her best to basically steal money from her sister company, SVP, for example the Newsletter, hiring of a Event Coordinator and the uneven distribution of project costs. She has committed many unethical acts and should be asked to answer for them. Ms. Masterson’s boss also seems to upset with her because she originally wanted her friend to have the position. Denise Hunter may have moved Ms.Masterson's desk near her in order to overhear conversations that may terminate Masterson’s position with the company. Ms. Masterson seem to be really concerned for the welfare of the SVP company and it’s employees, making me view her Ethical Orientation as Teleological. If her boss continues to go down this path, both companies may fail in their mission to serve its members. In the Case Study, the Subjective responsibilities is not easily identified within the characters, but to the outside looking in, you see a lack of Subjective Responsibilities. No one is taking responsibility for what is happening between the SVP and the Volunteer Center besides Masterson. Masterson’s boss does not see her wrong , and even when Masterson calls upon the help of the Statewide monitor and Coordinator of SVP, nothing is done to address the issues and tensions taking place between the two offices. Masterson knows her duties and completes them, even if she does not agree with the decisions pushed on her. Masterson’s takes on her Objective Responsibilities by doing what is asked by her superior and employees. When her employees asked that she give them

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