When the Titanic left on April 10, 1912, the passengers had no idea what they were about to experience. The ship was said to be the safest ship built and was luxurious. There were about 2,200 people. The passengers were made up as some of the richest people, who made up the first class. There were also the poor, which made up the third class. On March 31, 1909, construction began on the Titanic, a ship that was going to be known as the “unsinkable” ship. Although the shipbuilders demanded* that they never advertised it as that, the newspaper and media persuaded the people that it is unsinkable. After the exterior of the ship was done, it took ten months to finish the interior. At the time, it was the largest ship ever built. It was 882 feet long, 92 feet wide and 172 feet tall. Overall the ship costed $7,500,000. The first few days after the ship was departed went calmly. Then on the night of April 14, 1912 at 11:40 p.m., the ship struck an iceberg. It is said that this was not because of one mistake, but a series that led to the Titanic sinking. One reason is that many believe the ship was traveling way too fast during the icy weather. Another reason is that people think that Captain Edward J. Smith didn’t pay enough attention to the warnings that were received about the icebergs. Also, the crew that were …show more content…
The ship did not supply enough lifeboats for all of the passengers and crews. There were no laws or requirements that said there had to be a certain amount when the ship was built. The Titanic had twenty lifeboats, which could carry about half of the passengers. When they were released, most of them were not filled to the maximum capacity. It became clear that not everyone would be able to find a lifeboat. All of the passengers were given a lifejacket. In less than three hours the ship, Titanic, sank and 1,053 lives were