In the book, Sir Francis Bacon wrote a book Essaies. The Essaies is a valuable book because it has a secret code in it. According to Wikipedia, Sir Francis Bacon was a real person but he wrote a book called The Eassys not The Essaies. In similar fashion, the book states that Harry Widener is one of Patrick's teachers. Harry teaches Patrick how to be a good steward. In a Harvard study along with gazette it states that Harry was a real person on the Titanic and was one of the first class passengers who died. His mother was also on the Titanic but thankfully got away safely on lifeboat #4. On a different note, an interesting fact within the book reflects how some trimmers stayed down in the boiler room to make sure that the Titanic still had power while it was sinking. As I researched the article ¨The Engineers Lost Aboard Titanic,” it was able to provide me the most information about the Titanic. That website says that most of the Titanic’s crew members had died because they wanted to make sure the Titanic had enough power for it’s lights to stay on so other ships could see it with it’s lights on and other workers want to make the passengers feel as comfortable as they could. The book was mostly historically correct and I enjoyed the book because the characters were real along with the actual events that took
In the book, Sir Francis Bacon wrote a book Essaies. The Essaies is a valuable book because it has a secret code in it. According to Wikipedia, Sir Francis Bacon was a real person but he wrote a book called The Eassys not The Essaies. In similar fashion, the book states that Harry Widener is one of Patrick's teachers. Harry teaches Patrick how to be a good steward. In a Harvard study along with gazette it states that Harry was a real person on the Titanic and was one of the first class passengers who died. His mother was also on the Titanic but thankfully got away safely on lifeboat #4. On a different note, an interesting fact within the book reflects how some trimmers stayed down in the boiler room to make sure that the Titanic still had power while it was sinking. As I researched the article ¨The Engineers Lost Aboard Titanic,” it was able to provide me the most information about the Titanic. That website says that most of the Titanic’s crew members had died because they wanted to make sure the Titanic had enough power for it’s lights to stay on so other ships could see it with it’s lights on and other workers want to make the passengers feel as comfortable as they could. The book was mostly historically correct and I enjoyed the book because the characters were real along with the actual events that took