Being able to distinguish between …show more content…
Suetonius mainly focuses on how Caesar used means to manipulate his way into higher positions of power. Suetonius carefully describes the political moves and oratory skills by which Julius continued to increase his own power while battling for the popular party against the Senate. After the nine-year campaign in Gaul, Caesar decided that only civil war could settle the political dissension. Caesar 's popularity with the people excelled, presenting a threat to the power of the Senate and to Pompey, who held power in Rome. Crossing the Rubicon, he marched on Rome to start a Civil War against Pompey and ultimately seize power. Suetonius did not really emphasize the crossing of the Rubicon, he showed that Caesar showed loyalty to his army and made them promises, a way a manipulating. As Suetonius said after Caesar crossed the Rubicon, “He would often point to the finger of his left hand, emphasizing that to give satisfaction to all those who were going to help him defend his dignity, he would happily tear the ring from him own finger” (Suetonius 17). Suetonius points out, “the rumour spread that he had made a promise of the equestrian ring and four hundred thousand sesterces” (Suetonius 17). By his political acts Caesar made himself popular with the masses, an advantage he made secure by arranging gladiatorial shows and stage plays for their amusement. By resorting to bribery …show more content…
Maybe this was the style of the time or he wished these war accounts to be an anonymous piece of propaganda to win over the people. The writings reveal much of the planning and strategy of Caesar’s army as well as such technical descriptions. Caesar also grasped the economic hardships that wartime brings, like the rise in the price of corn and the scarcity of other commodities. It isn’t surprising that in The Civil War Caesar comes off as a benevolent leader. It is shown that Caesar withholds great oratory skills by the way he gives speeches. He says to the his legion, “Caesar, too, for his own honor, ought to sacrifice his desires and resentment to the public good” (Caesar Ch.8). He mentions how generous he is with his soldiers, giving them money from his own pocket after successful campaigns. He was quick to reward loyalty, especially where civilians were concerned. He listened to the opinions of his officers rather than making all the decisions