AP World History Form III
Julius Caesar Research Paper
On a cold January night in the year 49 B.C.E Julius Caesar ordered some of his soldiers to don civilian clothing and carry concealed weapons to the city of Ariminum. He then attended a banquet he had planned that afternoon. After having dinner with friends he excused himself and made his way by carriage to the banks of the Rubicon River. After arriving at the Rubicon, a small river that served as part of the border between Gaul and Italy, Caesar looked southward, towards his home in a city he would soon conquer. He paused at the bank of the Rubicon and reflected on the bold move he was about to make. He knew that to prevent a powerful general from laying siege to Rome a law …show more content…
to the Julians, a noble family claiming to be descended from Julius and the god Venus. He was raised in an urban part of town, likely between two businesses, as was common for the working class at the time, but odd for a noble family. Caesar’s mother was the greatest influence in his life because his father was often away from home involved in political and military matters. As a child, because of the lack of public education, he would have received education from a tutor the family had hired. What Caesar learned and experienced in his childhood greatly influenced his life, his political decisions and saved him on more than one …show more content…
They created a demand that Caesar disband his legions and return to Rome unarmed. This would mean Caesar could be tried and executed. Caesar tried to negotiate a deal where both he and his co-consul, Pompey, both disband their armies and return to Rome to prevent Pompey from having complete power over Rome, but the senate would not accept. They voted that Caesar was to disband his army and Pompey was to retain his own. Caesar knew that if he did not do something bold he would be killed and Rome would collapse, so on a cold January night in 49 B.C.E he crossed the Rubicon and plunged the Republic into a brutal civil war. Unlike a typical Roman Caesar ordered his soldiers not to pillage captured cities. He released many captured soldiers. Out of fear his former friend turned rival, Pompey fled Rome along with the magistrates and consuls hastily out of