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Luther’s idea of providing the basic education for girls was adopted. The idea of universal education for everyone developed into the public education system for the first time in America. The common school system was modeled after Calvin’s Geneva Academy. By 1647, a Massachusetts law mandated that every town of 50 families or more support an elementary school and every town of 100 or more families support a grammar school where boys could learn Latin in preparation for college. Like Luther and Calvin, the many of the Puritans were well educated scholarly people who saw the need for universities to provide education opportunities for male beyond the secondary level. They founded Harvard and Yale Universities, which was modeled after Emmanuel college at Cabridge, England. Just as Emmanuel college was founded by a Puritan with a goal of education Protestant pastors, Harvard and Yale were founded by the Puritans in order to produce schoolmasters, civil leaders and pastors who were educated in evangelical beliefs to govern, teach, and minister the needs of the newly formed colonial