Ernest Shackleton Leadership Analysis

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Ernest Shackleton grew up working on ships, beginning as a deckhand earning few dollars a month, and later becoming a highly respected full master allowing him to command a vessel. Shackleton’s first expedition to Antarctica, as third officer on Discovery, led him to a southern record of 82 degrees south. The second expedition landed him and three of his companions with a new record, coming within 97 geographical miles of the South Pole. His third and most notable trek was coined the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, a goal to cross the Antarctic from sea to sea. A leader is someone who commanders a group, organization, or country. Leadership is a person who creates an inspiring vision of the future, motivates and inspires people to …show more content…
Like any good crisis manager, Shackleton, found himself in situations where is showed his strengths and weaknesses. The unknown nature of the floes in the Antarctic caused the Endurance crisis, coupled with the construction of the ships at that time and Shackleton’s desire to complete the trip quickly. During a crisis, realistic optimism, finding order over chaos, and subservience to purpose or goals are the three characteristics the best crisis managers display (Elmer, 2011). Realistic optimism may be Shackleton’s largest weakness. Demonstrating the ability to understand the actual circumstance of the floes was impossible in this situation. His need to complete this journey so quickly aided in poor decisions during the crisis at hand. Finding order in chaos was one of his strengths. Calmness, clarity of thought, and drive to fix the situation were what ultimately ended in the survival of all the members of Shackleton’s crew. No matter the freezing conditions and dismal outlook of the situation, he kept a clear head, and fixed the turmoil they were in. Shackleton had a commitment to the greater good. His strength in this area shined when he set off with his smaller crew to find land and return with a rescue ship. Rather than continuing to try to carry supply-laden lifeboats across the ice and snow, he abandoned those efforts and altered the course. Good leaders and crisis managers must know when to cut bait and …show more content…
Promoting compliance and ensuring the ability of individuals to speak out against non-compliance is a puzzle (Levi-Faur, 2012, p. 76). Uncertainty in the way that whistleblowing laws are handled is part of the reason for tension. Protections both federally and state has been strengthened to aid whistleblowers into speaking up in public safety, health and financial associations. Ultimately, job security, perception on legitimacy, and legality are the correlations in whether people feel comfortable speaking up when they know something is wrong. The world is prone to various biases, systemic failures, and differences in leadership. Finding a way to aid people in speaking up and embracing differences in managerial and leadership qualities will be an ongoing battle. If the topic is illuminated and possibilities are recognized, the government can diversify its interaction with public safety organizations to be more effective and legitimate in

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