A little over 230 years ago in New York, New York a baby named Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was brought into this world by her two parents, Anna Hall and Elliott Roosevelt (“Eleanor Roosevelt.” History.com). Nearly five years later, in 1889, the Roosevelt family added a new member. His name was Elliott Roosevelt Jr., Anna Eleanor Roosevelt’s little brother. In 1891, two years after their previous child, came the third and final addition to their humble family, a second baby boy, this one by the name …show more content…
She volunteered in Navy hospitals during World War I. She was also active in many organizations such as the Union Trade League which discouraged sweatshop conditions. She also joined the League of Women Voters whose goal was to give women the right to vote. Helping with existing organizations apparently wasn’t enough; she also started her own nonprofit furniture factory called Val-Kill Industries located in Hyde Park, New York (where Roosevelt family estate is). On top of all that she was also an American History and Literature teacher at Todhunter School, a private Manhattan girls’ school (“Eleanor Roosevelt” History.com and “Eleanor Roosevelt” Bio). Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor’s husband, was elected President of the United States in 1933. His presidency lasted until his death on April 12th 1945. Eleanor, however, was a very determined woman and even after her husband’s death, she sustained her work (“Eleanor Roosevelt”