The Jane-Finch community consists of a vast array of families from Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, South America and all parts of the world. As such, the culture that they bring with them to Canada will and does have a great impact on how they function within a community. This impact and influence is felt most of all on the children who take this culture with them to the neighborhood, to schools and other community centers. As mentioned above, the middle-cohort students who have not yet realized their potential in pursuing higher education. This partly comes about due to the demographics of the Jane-Finch area. This area is home to a nearly 71% visible minority population and 24% of the people in this area come from low-income …show more content…
According to Toronto 's Chief of Police, Bill Blair, his offers when asked to police as part of targeted police work, there was a correlation. This correlation showed that the majority of men identified or targeted tended to be young black and brown men. “I can’t imagine that that’s true,” said chief Blair. According to Toronto police survey 70% of the people who were stopped and documented in zone 121 did not live there. “That’s where they spend their day, it may not be where they sleep. They go to those places and we don’t do our (documenting) in people’s bedrooms. We do it out on street corners and we do it in front of shops and we do it in front of community centers, we do it in an apartment stairwell” said chief Blair. Toronto police are discussing improper carding and will also be looking at community surveys which have been done on police that advises ignorance of new carding system which is being ignored by the Toronto police. Due to dishonesty and practices that have been done improperly creates mistrust in the