When we sat down and discussed the ELCC standards, it was difficult to get a good flow going, as Sean had many people interrupting him for …show more content…
Our students mental well-being is constantly observed by staff (both online and in person when the opportunity is presented) and can be reported for SAP (Student Assistance Program) or other places if it becomes necessary. Our resources are constantly being reviewed and adjusted. For example, our school uses several online tutoring services, which will most likely not be renewed. The reason for the non-renewal is that the programs are not aligned with the standards, thus provide no insight that teachers can you to their advantage for their course instruction. Additionally, our school has a team to evaluate the effectiveness of the technology we use.
Standard 4: At our school it is difficult to build strong community relationships. Our face-to-face time is limited so as a principal, Sean takes every opportunity he is allowed to attend school functions and meet our families. He interacts with students and families at the functions before and after the events. He also encourages teachers to coach and participate in community programs by allowing as much leeway with time as possible for these …show more content…
When Sean discussed being proactive, he explained that you need to take progressive steps toward problems you foresee with your system and fix them before they become an issue. This is most effectively done by communicating openly with staff and collaborating with them on how to fix the issues. Ultimately, he states, “At the end of the day you are the one making the final call. Not everyone is going to be happy, but you must be fair and do what is the best for the student. You have to take and consider all angles and live with the decisions you make.” To address the habit, seek first to understand then to be understood, he says it is critical to understand the student and family values at your school. If you do not understand how they operate, you may portray a really good idea in a way that closes their mind to conversation. He said this also applies to the people you work with, that one does not always have to agree with one another, but you must listen and get a good idea of the whole picture in order to work cohesively together. Finally, when you make a decision and stick with it, you may feel like you are alone on an island. You have to take time to sharpen the saw and read a good book or watch a movie you enjoy. You have to make sure not to over concern yourself with work until that is your only purpose in life. He