The article “Goodbye, Bottled Water?”, by Gail Hennessey, was written to convince bottled water users to stop purchasing bottled water due to environmental impacts. To begin with, Hennessey pointed out such serious toxic pollution cause by throwaway plastic bottles. According to San Bernardino’s mayor, “ More than 1 billion plastic bottles end up in California's landfills each year.” Then, the plastic bottles will sit there for 1000 years to biodegrade and leaving toxic pollution. Likewise, Hennessey states that the oil needed for producing plastic bottles affect the environment as well.…
Tom Standage is a notable British Journalist, author and economist who wrote the book A History of the World in Six Glasses, in which he described the historical significance, environmental importance, ecological foundation of water being the main source of life. Along with these factors, he further explained the commercialization and industrialization of water over the last few decades. In the article, “Epilogue: Back to the Source”, Standage specifically focuses on the water being the source of all lives and the first beverage that humans drank along with the absurdity of trend of buying bottled water in certain parts of the world. Furthermore, Standage’s argument will be analyzed from political, sociological, environmental and economic point of view to assess the credibility of the claims he is making. Analysis and Evaluation Standage, right in the beginning of this article created an emotional engagement with the readers by claiming that the “drink of the future” is none other than the drink human beings have tasted for the very first time as basic necessity of life i.e. water.…
In “The Story of Stuff: Bottled Water” by Annie Leonard, we are given facts about bottled of waters compared to tap water. Companies are promoting and selling bottled waters, scaring the buyers by saying that tap water is bad for them, and buyers believe it and prefer bottled water. Water is something that should be free and it has got to the point that it has to be bought. Tests have been made and tap water are healthier than bottled water, companies just care about the money, and all these bottles are just polluting the environment. Leonard states, “It’s time we took back the tap.…
Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water by Peter Gleick. Dr. Peter Gleick is the Co-founder of the Pacific Institute where their aim is to find real-world solutions to problems like water shortages, habitat destruction, global warming, and environmental injustice. He earned his Ph.D. in Energy and Resources from the University of California. He is a receiver of the prestigious MacArthur “genius” Fellowship. Has authored numerous scientific papers and nine books.…
Isabel Johnson’s article “Bottled Water, Go Away” brings up a different perspective to an ongoing debate over the impacts of plastic water bottles on the world. She presents both the pros and cons of bottled water. Her reasons, however, do not provide a strong argument since she does not clearly support a single claim. Nonetheless, the reasoning behind her logic is supported using information obtained from research. Her credibility is built, but at the same time lost, from using these resources because they are not suitable to cite.…
The main idea of this passage is that sending bottled water to the people affected by the Flint water crisis doesn’t really help them. It is stated in the text that it would simply take too much bottled water to actually make a difference. As shown in this sentence,” 102,000 citizens times 200 bottles of water – which equals 20.4 million 16oz. bottles of water per day. The author also states that sending bottled water doesn’t reverse the damage that has already been done.…
She continues using logical reasons in her arguments that say that there are essential minerals in tap water that should encourage people to drink tap water. Proceeding to use logic, she makes clear that tap water also save money. This would encourage any college student to choose tap water over bottled water, since college students need all the extra money wherever they can find it. Moreover, following the same format of the rest of her article, Johnson then meets the preceding claims with a final claim that bottled water is essentially convenient to people. With this all being said, a point about reusable water bottles is finally brought to the table and is said that using reusable water bottles is the ultimate…
As you have realized, information changes at different rates, but we cannot forget that the climate is changing as well. The documentary, “Tapped”, presents a study where results indicate that the manufacturing of water bottles is partially responsible for the climate change we are experiencing today. Once the bottles are manufactured they are distributed and in doing so, burning fossil fuels are emitted into the air, increasing atmospheric temperature. Consequently, the contaminated air, ground water and soil have increased the chances of prenatal diseases and the trigger of many sicknesses. This portion of the film helps us to imagine how bottle water production has an impact on the climate and politics through the industrial system.…
I do not agree with them, in this article I’m going to tell you what I think and all of my opinions, Also there’s some stuff I want to tell you and it’s about sink water. In source 2, the article “Bottled Water: The Right Choice” It states many good things about bottled water. One of the biggest things they talk about is that it is very convenient and that means when you’re on the go you just grab a bottle of water right out of the fridge, or when you are at a store and you’re thirsty they sell water bottles! If there were no water bottles it would be very odd because you would go to a gas station and there would be no bottled water so you would probably have to go to their bathroom and… drink the sink water which is NOT very healthy.…
While bottled water is accessible, portable and 100% recyclable, it harms our environment and leaks toxins into our groundwater. In my honest opinion, tap water should be a more favored choice because it can be purified and put into non plastic bottles. In various parts of the passage “Goodbye, Bottled Water?” it explains how plastic water bottles take years to biodegrade, leaking toxic additives into the ground water.…
People all over the world since the beginning of time have drank water. Water is a very important part of everyday life. From the things we grow, to the clothes we wash, to the toilets that use water to flush, water is a necessity. One of the most recent discussions on water is if bottled water is better or if tap water is better. Most Americans see nothing wrong with bottled water.…
Is bottled water inferior to tap water? Bottled water has a plethora of benefits and is constantly impacting our daily lives. Benefits may include, but are not limited to, increase in water intake, convenience, and the ability to be easily prepared for disasters. For these reasons, bottled water is arguably superior to the “municipal supply.” Americans spend billions of dollars on bottled water every year, but why are Americans drinking so much water?…
Clean water is a huge aspect of people’s daily lives, as they need…
In summary, bottled water is very harmful towards our environment and is one of the reasons for…
On average, thirsty customers in the U.S. throw away sixty million water bottles a day, and for every five water bottles consumed, one is recycled. The length of time for plastic water bottles to decompose is between four hundred and one thousand years. People may choose to drink bottled water over tap water with the misconception that it is the cleaner, tastier, or even a healthier choice. The rate at which people are consuming bottled water is causing landfills to be filled with approximately seventy-five percent of the plastic water bottles that are made. While bottled water sales increase, the consumption of tap water is the most advantageous choice for health benefits, environment conservation, and affordability as a choice for the consumer.…