Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals Program Analysis

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A group of students known as the Dream Act 5 practiced civil disobedience by staging a sit in inside senator McCain’s office in Tucson, Arizona in May 7, 2010. Three of the students remind me of Thoreau when he got arrested for defying the government laws for not paying his poll tax, but instead these students were switching to civil disobedience to support other students brought to the United States illegally. Henry Thoreau thought that people should live under what they believed in and not by the government rules. Like these dreamers believe that this is also a home of opportunity where they can continue with a college education. According to William Perez, The DREAMers are children of illegal immigrants. These are the children that were taken from their homes and brought to America for a better life, only to be restricted by the good intentions of their parents when it comes time for college. As an illustration, the Dream Act which is bipartisan legislation first initiated in Congress in 2001. This bill is known formally as Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors, it has been reestablished many times, including in 2010 but failed to pass. The purpose of this bill is to create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented children who grew up in the United States. Many congressional leaders have glanced this Act many times; however it never made it to the floor. I believe that the DREAMers should have the right to be legally in this country, since most of them are working hard in school to obtain a college degree like any other american college student. For example, I have a cousin who stopped attending college back in 2000 because she didn 't have a social security to get loans and pay for college. She is one of the many affected undocumented student who couldn 't complete a college education for not being a legal citizen. At that time it was hard for my cousin to pay for college since she didn 't have employment also because she wasn 't authorized to work in the United States. I think that the government …show more content…
as children. Applications under the program which is called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”) began on August 15, 2012. This program opened new doors for millions of undocumented students and adults under age of 30. DACA gave many undocumented students the opportunity to obtain a social security and be authorized to work in the United States. This program also help with giving them the opportunity to obtain higher education. This is a totally good step forward for the DREAMers because now they are able to get a better-paying job. Like i mentioned before about the article of Angela Chuan-Ru Chen, in how many of these undocumented students have to take breaks in between terms to save up to pay for tuition costs or other school related expenses, but now that situation won 't be the same anymore for most of the undocumented students who applied for this program because they get to have a higher paying job where they can afford to pay somewhat for their school costs. This program also gives the DREAMers the opportunity to study abroad. Before undocumented students couldn 't study abroad because they didn 't have any documents whatsoever. To me, i think that this is such a great opportunity

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