He said, “America has so readily adopted the Canadian notion of multiculturalism because it preserves our preference for thinking ourselves separate-our elbows need not touch, thank you” (89). Rodriguez points out those standards of multiculturalism based on Canada’s standards, meaning Americans want things to be separate but equal. Culture assimilation of Canadians model is just like a salad bowl. It is easy to adopt new ingredients, but it will still be separate and equal in the same bowl. Therefore, Americans prefer the Canadian model which they think fits them better. In fact, Rodriguez thinks the Canadian model does not fit in America …show more content…
But until that day comes, it cannot blithely ignore those laws. The notion that someone can have no legal right to be present in the country but be entitled to very expensive and valuable benefit of citizenship is absurd on its face. (95)
The Chicago Tribune’s view points on legislation that would allow illegal immigrants have the same rights as residents affect the residents’ feelings. They want the law to be changed. Some of them disagrees those illegals that have the same right as residents. One of the reason they disagree is because the residents pay tax but illegal immigrants do not. Therefore, they want the full benefit for resident students. Not only about undocumented immigrants allow attending the college and universities, the tuition should be different as well. According to “Immigrant Students Seek Lower Tuition” by Cara O’Connor, she tells the readers about the Dream Act legislation, and how it would provide higher education to undocumented students. Cara O’Connor points out the education benefit between residencies and undocumented immigrants can be different. The immigrants would pay higher fee for the tuition than the residency. The benefit of allowing undocumented immigrants students to pay in-state tuition is giving them opportunity to have higher education and will have a better job. When they have good jobs that pay more money, they will be able to pay higher