After studying the video “Four Negative Patterns That Predict Divorce”, I rationalized, perhaps Dr. John Gottman might would say that corroded marriages may have came about due to defective ways to communicate in a disagreement. Criticism, contempt, defensive, and stonewalling are ineffective ways to communicate. Gottman, suggests, contempt is away of fueling an attack , contempt consist of mocking and showing off superiority, defensiveness happens when a person does not take responsibility to the problem, and lastly stonewalling is the silent treatment. These are ineffective ways to communicate about disagreements. Each negative pattern are also factors that will end a marriage as well. …show more content…
Gottman gives advice to people who may notice who maybe performing the four negative patterns. He advices the critical spouse to understand personally, that they are not perfect, so do not be critical for it is not constructive. Spouses who act upon the negative pattern of contempt should show more respect in the relationship. He also gives advice to the defsiveness type of spouse; they should take responsibility to part of the problem to help solve the problem. Finally, Dr. Gottman advises the stonewalking spouses to express themselves respectively and open as possibly, because not speaking only ignoring usually builds up tension in the marriage. Dr Gottman gives counsel to the four types of spouses that may be practicing wrong techniques to keep a healthy