As a result for students, the text states that, “...research has found that most students report that they do not use text speak in formal writing.” (Michaela Cullington). Experts also state, “...there is no harm in text speak, as long as students continue to be taught and reminded that occasions where formal language is expected are not the place for it.” (Michaela Cullington). But when it comes to teachers that were surveyed, one teacher explains that “...they are so used to it that they do not even catch themselves doing it.” (Carey). Another clashing factor is technology vs manual writing. Each day the world changes and grows in so many ways. It's the only way for our species to survive. Change is essential to people. So the fact that each day our technology gets more and more advanced is not surprising. Some day in the future we may not even have to write anymore. Most of what we do is on technology. Essays, resumes, talking, anything you can think of. So in a way it is better that we address these issues people have with texting now so we can help solve the problem sooner than later. Then we can adapt and change those problems so then maybe, consider that we end up using only technology to talk, to write, and we won’t encounter language problems or be able to emotionally express ourselves through technology. No matter if …show more content…
As explained by Phillip Allen in his peer-reviewed article, The Influence of Texting Language on Grammar and Executive Functions in Primary School Children, he explains that “Nearly all studies on the effects of textese focused on children’s literacy development and hardly any attention has been paid to the effects of textese on children’s language development. Specifically grammatical development is interesting in this respect because, as mentioned by Kemp and colleagues, grammar rules of conventional written language are often transgressed in textese.”(Phillip Allen). So maybe our fault is not the fact that texting influences young kids in the growing stages of their brain, but the sense that the way we teach the kids as they are developing may not be the best and that with the influence of phones, and how much we rely on them in this day and age can truly affect how young kids develop as an adult. It may be possible if they see that their older respected elders are relying and using these devices, they will want to as well. They will become curious and begin to catch on to the trend. Teachers and parents continually differ from experts and students opinions. But you can notice that both teachers and parents share some things in common. Both of them don’t typically allow or see the usage of a technological device useful to