Dmak Dbq Analysis

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A thermal scanner was used on the house of DLK without a warrant, in order to obtain evidence that DLK was illegally growing marijuana. DLK sued on the grounds that the scan was a search, and since there was no warrant, it violated his fourth amendment right.The government went too far by scanning DLK’s house because the scan indicated things about the house that would be unknown unless one entered the house, revealed things which DLK wished to keep private and took reasonable measures to protect, and was a violation of privacy. Thermal scanners indicate things about the house that would not be unknown unless one entered the house. They can show vents, rooms, and insulation abnormalities through heat build up. Because of this, a thermal scan can show more about the inside of a building than what is shown to an outside observer(Doc. B). This qualifies as a search. Heat patterns can also be used to imply the inner action of a house. If one can sees abnormal heat build up in a chimney from a thermal scan, then they can assume that the fireplace is on. The use a the thermal scanner was a search because the scan revealed information which DLK took normal precautions to guard and wished to keep …show more content…
United States, the use of a thermal imager without a warrant was a violation of DLK’s fourth amendment right. Though the government never physically intruded upon private property, they used technology to conduct an intrusive search which revealed private, guarded information about the house in question. Therefore, the scan was a search and should require a warrant. The question of whether a thermal scan constituted a search was of key importance because with the advancement of technology, it will become easier to gather information without a physical intrusion. The DLK case drew a line which the government had crossed by declaring a scan that revealed information about the inside of a house, without actually showing the inside, required a

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