Let's look at the text 1, Declaration of Independence, which talks about its contextual meanings. The text 1, Declaration of Independence, talks about securing your home and your pride for the United States and to always protect it. However, the Declaration of Independence has more security and protection itself than what it has written. Moving on to the 2000’s, there was not much …show more content…
Beatrice fits in with all the factions but you are only supposed to be with one according the virtual reality test. Both the past and the present connotations are similar in which the definition talks about security or against danger in itself. Beatrice along with her fellow friend combat society’s norms in an epic 3-book long battle.
In the text 3 (article), Privacy and Security in the Internet Age, we as a community obtain an in depth view of what the Internet does to us. Multiple cyber attacks and net breaches happened during early 2014 which led to celebrity, workers, enthusiasts, and many others to an outrage. Another one happened in late 2014 when iOS systems were hacked into their iCloud pictures were stolen that were to say the least, intimate. Lesser known conflicts are social security stealing or identity stealing which is very major and could potentially ruin your whole life as you may know