Declaration Of Independence DBQ

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By early summer of 1776 the revolutionary war had been going on for about a year at that point. The founding fathers got together to write a document that contained a list of grievances and states how their rights had continuously been violated by the King of Britain. The document was titled “The Declaration of Independence,” and primarily written by Thomas Jefferson. All four and the most significant ideals will be portrayed throughout this essay. The four ideals were “Equality, Right to life, LIberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, Consent of Governed, and the right to Alter or Abolish Government.” Although consent of the governed, and the right to alter or abolish government are both important, natural rights is the most important ideal …show more content…
In this passage, alter means to change, and abolish means to overthrow or get rid of the government. When the colonist had finally gotten pushed to their limit the threw a party... Named “Declaration of Tea Party Independence.” Taking its name from the Boston Tea Party from the revolutionary era, the Tea Party shows the anger of the colonist in this excerpt “This movement has risen because our elected officials have failed us… Therefore, Individuals acting through the Tea Party Movement, seek to restore the policies, which are proven to safeguard liberty and prosperity for all. We will organize, demonstrate and vote until this restoration has been achieved” (Document D). The colonist had clearly had enough of being mistreated by the KIng of Britain, so the wrote the letter to him stating - (not asking) - that they would do everything in their ability to have this government altered, and they will not stop until it happens. In this document, they rose together and put their foot down and chest out. This was an amazing piece of history, because this is when the colonies came together and stood up for the life and rights they were born with and meant to have. They were done being treated like that, they demanded respect. And in this moment, “we” all wanted the same thing, and nothing was going to stop

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