King George III was abusing his power ,and demanded to much money from the American colonists ,therefore, this outraged them. Therefore, they tried expressing their discontent by writing letters to him, expressing their disapproval of being taxed without their consent. However, King George didn’t care for the colonists needs “most of these letters were simply tossed aside, or sent to the waste bin. Almost none of them were actually read.” (Pavao, 2010). Furthermore, King George III was unreasonable ,for he knew that he angered the American colonists ,but he did nothing to try ,and fix it after the colonists took a nonviolent way to approach him with their needs. Not only did he tax them ,but he didn’t give the colonists a say in the important decisions ;thus they didn’t have a voice in Parliament. The lack of representation in parliament was one of the main reasons that the colonists rebelled.It was one of the many rights Great Britain took away from the colonists. Therefore, the colonists “raised the issue of taxation without representation.” (Bos, 2013). In addition, the colonists had every right to rebel ,and argue after everything they went …show more content…
Avoiding war is the ideal choice because it would prevent thousands of individuals from dying. After all, British forces are superior to American forces in experience, training, equipment, and organization ,and “Few Americans had any military experience, and there was no method of training, supplying, or paying an army.” (ushistory, 2018). Furthermore, death for many individuals could be avoided if the american colonists tried to make a treaty with Great Britain ;furthermore, the colonies and the British finding a common ground, like reducing the taxes, getting a vote in Parliament can prevent arguments that can lead to war. Many will say that not going to war and not fighting for what is right is an absurd idea ;however on the contrary, it is really important to fight for what you want ,but just not with violence ,for it’ll only result in more