Us Constitution Dbq

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The United States Constitution was written over the course of nearly four months and quickly became the most important document in U.S. history.
Many of this historic document’s ideals can be found in two very important documents from the past. Both of these documents contained public rulers transferring their power to the people.
Another major influence in the U.S. Constitution was the philosophers during the time period that is often referred to as “the age of enlightenment.” Also during that time, the first government in the newly discovered world was being created off the coast of New England.
As time progressed, Great Britain began to treat the colonists in America unfairly and so an attempt at rebellion was made. This unjust treatment eventually led to the colonists to declare themselves separate from England. Because of this, new government had to be made. The first attempt at government in the United States ended poorly and would eventually be gotten rid of in favor of the Constitution we have today.
The knowledge of early United States history is very important to understanding why The Constitution was written the way it was and why we should be thankful for our freedoms.
In the year 1215 AD, The people of Great Britain were very unhappy with their ruler, King John of England. As a result of this, a group of rebels
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They felt that Great Britain had violated these rights and it was their duty to abolish the current government and replace it with one that would suit the people’s needs. In the document, the colonists accused the king of trying to get rid of the citizen’s power in government, obstructed justice, and created military rule within the colonies. In addition to this, he also violated their rights to freedom of speech, the right to assemble, and the right to a trial by an impartial

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