Distracted Driving Impact

Superior Essays
Technology has existed ever since the cavemen sharpened tree branches to kill animals for food. Essentially, technology is anything that is created to make some aspect in life easier or more efficient. The world today is in an era of constant innovation. Most forms of technology are created to make life easier, but in many instances they have turned out to have a negative impact on the productivity of people’s lives. The invention of the mobile phone has turned out to have a negative impact on society by contributing to the distractions that lead to multitasking and creating unhealthy habits.
Cellular devices began appearing during the late 1970’s but have really only become popular within the last two decades. The first cell phones were about
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People can be virtually anywhere and be able to instantly communicate through text, email, and various other social media sources. Consumers find it to be very easy to do something one second, then checking for updates the next. The issue is that this addiction to checking for messages, or whatever it may be, can become a major distraction and take away attention during important activities such as driving, “Distracted driving is a growing public safety hazard. Specifically, the dramatic rise in texting volume since 2005 appeared to be contributing to an alarming rise in distracted driving fatalities” (Fernando). Death from using a cell phone while driving is the worst case scenario but it makes it clear that multitasking can have negative impacts in a wide variety of …show more content…
In the case of cell phones that may be a very accurate relation. Most inventions are created to make activities simpler and more efficient. The creation of the mobile phone was no different. It came about to make communication available when people are on the go and away from the standard land line. Cellular devices have since come a long way. Not only have they gotten much smaller in size, their capabilities have also drastically increased. Multi-messaging, email, internet, personal scheduling, and navigation are just a few examples. Cell phones have made daily activities and communication much easier. With that however, it has become easier to become dependent upon those features causing consumers to never want to stray from the devices in their pockets. That is where the above stated conditions from addiction to cell phones come into the picture. When a person is on their phone from the time they wake up till the time they go to bed, it can have serious consequences on their mental and physical health. As a result, too much of the device that seems so helpful can actually be having some serious negative effects. The amount of time some individuals spend on their phones can be mind boggling. Anything that is consuming that much time away from other activities is surely not the best for people’s

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