There are different alternatives that can be used instead of testing animals . There is a concept of the 3R’s which is The Reduction , the Refinement and the Replacement. The first of the 3 R’s, Reduction, …show more content…
They use this concept during research and testing. There has been scientific advantages in using alternative testing methods. an option. Not testing on animals is more cost efficient and practical. “Nearly 50 different alternative methods and testing strategies have been developed, validated and/or accepted by international regulatory authorities” (Humane Society). Most of the advantages associated with these alternatives are cost effectiveness. Here are some of the different alternatives the In vitro (test tube) test methods and models based on human cell and tissue cultures.
Microfluidic chip testing and the artificial tissue testing are becoming more popular in the scientific research field. In Dwortzan article, he claims, “The microfluidic chip also proved far more effective than other commonly used flu diagnostic tests including viral culture, a lab procedure requiring up to a week to produce results” (Dwortzan). has proven to be very effective in finding cures for different virus. If they use this method less animals will not be harmed. It is a faster, cheaper, and more effective diagnostic test