The volume of a liquid (solXII - Chemistry Solutions 17 N = Number of gramequivalentsof solute Volumeof solution in litre = Number of grams equivalent of solute 1000 Volume of solution in ml Since Number of grams equivalents = Mass Equivalent mass N = Mass of solute in grams 1000 Equivalent mass Vol.of solution (in ml) Normality of a solution = Molarity × Molecularweight Equivalentweight of solute CALCULATION…
Grandparents have helped shape the lives of young people. In “Grandmothers” by Nikki Giovanni and “One Million Volumes” by Rudolfo Anaya shows clear examples on how our grandparents and others shaped our lives. First, our elders helped us go out and learn. In “One Million Volumes” He learned the magic of words and wisdom from his elder’s stories.…
The second factor was the hot temperature of the hot tub which could cause him to more dehydrate, fainting or loses…
Molar Volume of a Gas Lab The purpose of the lab was to do an experiment to determine the molar volume of hydrogen gas at standard temperature and pressure, or STP. To start the experiment, a beaker was filled with water and then a cage was created with a copper wire. A piece of magnesium was cut and placed inside the cage in order to keep the reaction going until all of the magnesium reacted with the hydrochloric acid. The eudiometer tube was filled with 15 mL of hydrochloric acid and water and then plugged with a one-hole rubber stopper that held the cage in place, ensuring that the magnesium would react with the excess hydrochloric acid.…
This Density of Copper lab was an experiment, which helped to show how to calculate the density of copper while comparing the results of the density of water. While doing this experiment we had to remember the density of water, which is 1g/cm3. However, before trying to find the density we needed to make sure we had the mass and volume. We were given two ways to help find the density of copper and a beaker. I had to first measure the mass of the copper by picking it up and gently placing it in the analytical balance.…
Obtain a meterstick to measure arm length of ten subjects. To arm length, place the meterstick in the subject’s armpit and record the length to the longest finger in centimeters. Obtain the height of the subjects with a measuring tape and convert the inches to centimeters. Record all measurements. 4.…
501 Mrs.Werwee Honors Alg. 2 23 May 2016 Neonatologist First I would like to start by explaining what a neonatologist is and what they do. A neonatologist is a type of pediatrician that works with newborn babies especially the ones that are born prematurely or with serious illnesses.…
The three areas of the tutorial I am aware that I require a few practices in the Patient Care, Part 1; General Patient Care tutorial on Perform Measurement Conversions 1 explains how a MA needs to record a patient’s temperature by converting the Celsius to Fahrenheit by multiplying the Celsius by nine-fifths and add thirty-two. And to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is by subtracting thirty-two from the Fahrenheit temperature and multiple the results by five-ninths. The second tutorial on Perform Measurement Conversions 2 demonstrates how to convert a patient’s height and weight. For instance 1 lb = 0.45kg, to convert pounds to kilograms multiply pounds by 0.45 and to convert kilograms to pounds multiply kilograms by 2.2. The third tutorial on Perform Measurement Conversions 3 explains how to convert feet to inches is by multiplying the…
This is ascertained by those medical experiments because they were often dealy. “Each day I was submerged in hot water. Whenever I tried to put my head out of the water in order to breathe I was forced back into the water… He was enjoying himself. This lasted for 10 minutes” (Ms. G).…
The waist circumference will be measured by finding the right ilium and marking the site at the mid-axillary plane (CDC, 2007). Using measuring tape, one will measure the circumference from the right ilium around to the left ilium. The tape will remain parallel to the floor, and it will not compress the skin. The waist-hip ratio will be calculated by taking the value from the waist circumference measurement and dividing it by the measurement of the hip circumference. The hip circumference will be measured twice by using measuring tape around the largest circumference of the buttocks while maintaining the tape parallel to the floor (World Health Organization, 2011).…
Laboratory Techniques and Measurements Tiffany Abbe Introduction: In this lab I will be adapting more about how to utilize distinctive estimation instruments and comprehend the diverse procedures included. Figuring out how to ascertain temperature and length. Will likewise make estimations utilizing the SI frameworks for fixation, thickness, and volume. While having the capacity to reate arrangements of building so as to change focuses and densities as tock arrangement.…
Obesity is referred to as an excess amount of body fat. Although rates of obesity have risen among all ethnic groups; African Americans are affected greatly by this epidemic. “Obesity prevalence in United States adults exceeds 30% with the highest prevalence being among blacks” (Mehari et al,2015, p. 1). Nonetheless, with the implementation of a healthier diet, obesity rates within the African American population can decrease drastically. People are categorized by healthcare professionals as being either underweight, healthy weight, overweight, or obese.…
“The Law of Conservation of Mass states that matter can be changed from one form into another, mixtures can be separated or made, and pure substances can be decomposed, but the total amount of mass remains constant.” (University Of Wisconsin) The data the was found from our lab shows that the data is not consistent to the Law of Conservation of Mass because our results showed an increase in mass. To start the lab, .7 grams of copper was measured out and at the end, the total amount of copper was .73 grams.…
Bernoulli’s Principle! No matter the volume, area, or type of watercourse, the amount of fluid in equals the amount of fluid out.…
Laboratory Report 2: Soil Texture, Bulk density and Porosity Introduction Soil Texture The classification of soil texture is determined by the percentage of each of the soil separates. Soil separates are mineral particles smaller than 2mm, and these particles are sand, silt and clay. These textures are separated by the size of the particles, with sand being the largest between 2mm and 0.05mm, silt at between 0.05mm and 0.002mm, and clay at <0.002mm.…