One example of this is document can be found in document four when Cecil Rhodes states, “I contend that we [Britons] are the finest race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit, the better is for the human race...It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simple means more of the Anglo- Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honorable race the world possesses,” (Rhodes Document four). When Cecil states this he is displaying extreme nationalism out right. He is saying that other countries should b like Britons because they are the “best breed”. This was a driving force because people whom thought their home countries were the best, wanted others to know they were the best. They wanted other countries to strive to be as great as them and the best way to show them was to lead and own them. Though extreme nationalism played an extensive role in causing new imperialization, the white man’s burden was also played a key role. Only outcome The white man’s burden was often the reason put forth for imperialization. The white mans burden is described in document six as, sending the best of your nation to take over and “breed” another nation to be as great yours. The document describes the people that they are imperializing as “half-devil and half-child” this statement is extremely condescending and can lead one to believe that the countries imperializing did think it their job to raise this other countries up to their standards. While this was the reason for imperialization one can often see that this is not always how things ended. The white man’s
One example of this is document can be found in document four when Cecil Rhodes states, “I contend that we [Britons] are the finest race in the world, and the more of the world we inhabit, the better is for the human race...It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes that more territory simple means more of the Anglo- Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honorable race the world possesses,” (Rhodes Document four). When Cecil states this he is displaying extreme nationalism out right. He is saying that other countries should b like Britons because they are the “best breed”. This was a driving force because people whom thought their home countries were the best, wanted others to know they were the best. They wanted other countries to strive to be as great as them and the best way to show them was to lead and own them. Though extreme nationalism played an extensive role in causing new imperialization, the white man’s burden was also played a key role. Only outcome The white man’s burden was often the reason put forth for imperialization. The white mans burden is described in document six as, sending the best of your nation to take over and “breed” another nation to be as great yours. The document describes the people that they are imperializing as “half-devil and half-child” this statement is extremely condescending and can lead one to believe that the countries imperializing did think it their job to raise this other countries up to their standards. While this was the reason for imperialization one can often see that this is not always how things ended. The white man’s