Missionaries travelled along with explorers, with the intention to convert continents such as Africa with many Muslims, to Christianity. The …show more content…
Through their influence of westernization on Africans, they were able to create an upper class that emerged from such ideas. This upper class represented Europe in way, as it only consisted of individuals educated through westernization, representing how Europe was able to expand successfully. An American journalist, O. P. Austin said that for the colonizers, they were able to gather the produce and resources they needed from imperialism. The European nations brought civilization with them in return, develop the land, and offer benefits to the colonized that they otherwise couldn’t have(Doc. 1). As an American journalist, although some information is accurate, it most likely doesn’t know both sides as he is probably just looking at the perspective of the colonizers. His words, “progressive nations” suggest that the colonized are blessed to have European power over their nation. Imperialism allowed Britain to modernize her country more efficiently with raw materials that the colonizers could gather in the colonized nations. Manufacturers were able to gather foreign materials for a more competitive trade, bankers were able to make loans to importers and exporters in the countries, and military leaders were able to extend the white man’s rule over other races through imperialism. Politicians were able to rule over a country(Doc. 3). Cecil Rhodes is a good example of a man who was able to gain much from the colonized countries. He was one of the richest men in the world, and went to Africa to start a cotton farming industry. He then served as prime minister of the Cape Colony. He said that “I contend that every acre added to our territory provides for the birth of more of the English race,” to show how the colonizers thought that “as the superior race” they were helping the natives to establish a more westernized civilization(Doc. 9). Through imperialism, the Europeans were able to build