Dbq Confederation

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The Articles of Federation left most regulation to individual states and much like the issue that arose with trade, the minting of currency and a regulation of currency was left to each state. This meant that each state could mint or produce different denominations of value for their “state” dollars and coinage. Because there were many discrepancies in money and their respective values, many problems soon would arise in the Confederation such as, inflation, parties not accepting each other’s money because it was not considered “legal” tender, and to the loss of property because of non-payment. The new government that was to be formed in the wake of the Confederation would attempt to resolve this issue by granting the Congress the ability, “To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standards of weights and measures.” In Article 1, Section 8 clause 5 of the US Constitution. Congresses inability to tax. The founding fathers knew they could not run a country on empty vaults, it was imperative that there be some level of income in able to support the Confederacy. This would become one of the biggest issues facing the new “League of Friends” since there was no way to enforce taxes at a national level. The hope was, that all states would work together for a common good, common borders, and protection from outside forces in the event something should occur, and that these pleasantries would be paid for by “donations” of taxes by the individual states. The reality is that many states would often not agree with the donation level set by the Confederate government and end up paying a fraction of the tax or some would not pay at all. In order to rectify the issue, the post Confederate government empowered the newly formed Congress in Article 1, Section 8 clause 1 to have the power to “lay and collect taxes”, and that they “be uniform throughout the United states.”, ensuring there be a form of income and a guarantee of payment from the states. Lack of a National court system. The Confederacy was always intended to keep the power as close to home as possible in like-minded communities and because of this the judicial powers were regulated to the states. …show more content…
It was on the state to record and pass judgment on its citizens and that any law handed down from the national government could be simply ignored if the state chose so to do. On the other side of the argument, since there was no national court system, it was impossible for an individual to file complaints against the Confederation. The founding fathers attempted to appease both sides of the judicial issue by writing Article 3, Section 1, which states, “The judicial power of the Unites States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.” This section in Article 3 establishes one central supreme court that has power to overrule a lower court’s decisions, thus giving power of rule to the central government. The absence of a chief executive. Under the Articles of Confederacy, the was a desire to conduct trade with other countries and a need for diplomacy abroad, but there was no central figure to act as a channel to convey the county’s wants and desires to foreign dignitaries. This lack of an executive figure left America at a serious disadvantage in the world and would need to be remedied quickly. This power vacuum at the executive level is …show more content…
This was written in fear of allowing the national government too much power and the ability to wage war upon its people and states. This ideal of only allowing the central government to be the mouth piece of the nation and not the sword as well deeply affected the Confederacies ability to defend external and internal threats. With the ever looming presence of the British on America’s doorstep, it would become apparent while drafting the Constitution that it would be necessary to allow congress the ability to raise an army to, at the very least, defend its boarders. This is covered by Article 1, Section 8 clause 12 in the US Constitution and simply says, “To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two

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