Davi David: A Worthy Role Model

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While scholarship and dedication to learning are important to one’s success, incorporating values of leadership and service are integral to a well-rounded and nuanced education. Not only must a scholar have a substantial knowledge of the world around them, but they must know how to use this knowledge for good and how to impart it to others. A community can not sustain itself with knowledge alone. There must exist some concept of a greater good for a group to truly thrive. This mix of academic scholarship and a strong feeling of public responsibility, as well as a richness of character, makes a true leader and a worthy role model. One man that I have encountered who exemplifies this way of life is one of my camp counselors named David. He led me and my fellow campers on a 2 week long expedition and imparted many lessons to us along the way. …show more content…
His house was near the mountains and was surrounded by wilderness. Ever since he was a child he was an explorer, and he would go on expeditions with his brothers. Through these expeditions he gained a vast and intimate knowledge of the outdoors and the ways of the world. He became an expert outdoorsman and rock climber through years of experience and continued to hone his skills into adulthood. He had built up these techniques for many years, but he eventually felt something missing. From there he resolved to teach others and impart the experience he had gained, and through this he found my camp. David started to lead programs for kids in Ecuador as well as America where he taught them survival skills, as well as the science of the natural world. For my camp group, he also taught us how to rock climb and how to speak Spanish. His mission was to spread his knowledge and form a community around it, which is a very important and admirable

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