Health Issue
The health issue that …show more content…
In the Garifuna culture, it is common for men and women to have multiple concurrent partnerships (MCP), in which both parties continue to have other sexual partnerships. (Buszin et. al, 2009, p.4). Since it is not a shameful act to have several sexual partners, the risk of HIV transmission increases. Also, marriage is not a common institution in the Garifuna culture. In fact, a legal marriage occurs in just a small number of households (Buszin et. al, 2009, p.3). The study by Buszin et. al found that, of the pooled sample, those single had an average of 4.9 sexual partners in a month’s time, while those married still practiced MCP, but only had 1.8 sexual partners in that month. (2009, p. 18). Multiple sexual partners propose a much greater risk of transmitting HIV, especially when condoms use is …show more content…
• Program has previously been implemented and proven successful,
• Create theater productions using music and dance to spread awareness of HIV transmission, and the significant risk the community faces,
• Community members lead and participate by creating and writing production.
• Educational programs with school aged children and their mothers
• Begin program for school aged children and their mothers to learn about HIV risk and behavior change
• Teach about preventative measures, such as condom use and safe sex,
• Provide environment for older generation to learn with younger generation, facilitating discussion of risk and behaviors.
Incorporation of Cultural