Monuments of people may be unnatural landmarks but they honor great achievements made in the U.S. Some problems that people may face when it comes to sculptures of a person is that there may be no actual photographs of the person but the meaning behind it is still powerful. Mount Rushmore for example, is a beautiful . “The Crazy Horse Memorial has some of the same problems: it is most definitely an unnatural landmark.”(Downes). Though is monument may be unnatural to some people, it is an amazing piece of art to others. …show more content…
Though some people want to get rid of the cemetery because they think it will bring them bad luck, it is rich in history and should be preserved. “The pioneers from the Santa Fe Trail would bring their dead with them, preserved somehow, and bury them here” (Kosareff). No, a cemetery is not an ideal way to remember something but many find it very important.
Making monuments for a greatly impacted event show respect towards a meaningful sacrifice made by others.The U.S. did not help in the holocaust but considering the fact that we are the mixing pot of the world, many people that had family in or were apart of the holocaust live in the U.S. making it reasonable to have a museum about it. “As the controversy grew, the supporters of the museum felt that building a museum on The Mall would enhance The Mall’s already diverse stories.” (Musser). Since The Mall in Washington already has so many beautiful memorization sites, this one would just add on and make it