Conscription Persuasive Speech

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I am thinking of you every moment of the day. It is difficult to imagine that someone I love so much has been at war for this long. These past three years have been hard on our daughter and I. The higher authorities are being very difficult, newspapers are publishing information and propaganda is everywhere. The posters make it seem as if it is mandatory to go to war and if you enlist you are not a man but a coward. The drought is at its peak at this time of year. It’s so dry and the crops we planted three years ago have been destroyed. I am heart broken and cannot function without you.

Australia is being taken over by propaganda, it is so scary but, what can I do? We are a country that is so young. Going to war because we are apart
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People are conversing about whether to encourage or decline conscription. This is so odd and I think this should not happen. Our population is declining rapidly, if all our men are going to war how are we all going to survive, We are a community where men run the world. The modern day has come and our resources are obsolete. Hopefully conscription will not happen. This cause has been declined many times so I think it will be alright. On the other hand, more men are needed in the war but this will result in more deaths. We are born just to die, that’s the human …show more content…
They are threatening Australian men with images of Australia and typing in the middle saying “The New Germany”. This seems a little drastic, doesn't it? The Government try and get ahold of man’s morals to make them enlist to war, in a sense they use mate-ship, an image of hundreds of men with a caption “Fight Along Side Your Friends”. Shame and guilt is used in images with a mother caught with a caption, “God Bless Daddy, 45 000 Australian Fathers Are Fighting!” This is used to make it seem as if the father was the only one staying back. Everything a man values is used against them to evoke a feeling of

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