both)? At the point when the right half of the heart starts to work less effectively, it can't pump
much blood into the vessels of the lungs. Would Fluid accumulate somewhere? If so, Where?
Explain your answer. Yes, Congestive heart failure (CHF) happens when the heart's pumping activity turns out to be weak to the point that liquid starts to amass in the lungs and other body tissues. This li
quid development is the "clog" a portion of congestive heart failure. What are the possible
symptoms? Chest discomfort, Nausea, Indigestion, Heartburn, Stomach pain, Pain that spreads
to the arm, Dizzy or Lightheaded, Throat or Jaw pain, exhausted easily, snoring, sweating, …show more content…
Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go As, Arnett DK, Cushman M, de Ferrant S, Despres J-P, Fullerton HJ,
Howard VJ, Huffman MD, Judd SE, Kissela BM, Lackland DT, Liu S, Mackey RH, Matchar DB,
DK, Mohler ER 3rd, Moy CS, Muntner P, Mussolino ME, Nasir K, Neumar RW, Nichol G,
L, Pandey DK, Reeves MJ, Rodriguez CJ, Sorlie PD, Stein J, Towfighi A, TUran TN, Virani SS, Willey
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