This image shows James Buchanan, Lewis Cass, Stephen Douglas, and Franklin Pierce, all Democratic candidates for the 1856 presidential election, and all of whom seemed to be united on the slavery issue. This image is in reaction to the violence against antislavery "freesoilers" in the wake of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The impeccable size of the freesoiler symbolized how much larger the freesoiler party was compared to the Democratic Party as well as how the democrats were trying to force the freesoilers to accept slavery (Doc.
This image shows James Buchanan, Lewis Cass, Stephen Douglas, and Franklin Pierce, all Democratic candidates for the 1856 presidential election, and all of whom seemed to be united on the slavery issue. This image is in reaction to the violence against antislavery "freesoilers" in the wake of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The impeccable size of the freesoiler symbolized how much larger the freesoiler party was compared to the Democratic Party as well as how the democrats were trying to force the freesoilers to accept slavery (Doc.