Goal #1
I would like to learn how to write my daily slips and newsletters in a more creative/exciting ways. I feel that I write the same things every time and that if I could write with a little bit more gusto, the parents might actually read them and I may enjoy writing them!
Goal #2 …show more content…
If and when we have to do written observations on the children, when we feel that the child might need some specialized help, it would mean more if I could articulate what needs to be done in written form. To be able to have better written communication would be a great way for parents to understand that: 1) I care about their child, 2) I want to help them and their child, 3) that I know the steps that need to be taken, and 4) I can write these things with tact. I am also starting to think about changing my career. I am thinking about maybe becoming a child life specialist, still in the beginning research phase. I know that I would have to do a lot more writing/reports in that field than the one I am in