Comparing The Cold Equations 'And The Pedestrian'

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Technology today has a very negative impact on humanity and society in general. People today have become more lazy and rude all because of technology. The short stories “The Cold Equations” and “The Pedestrian” prove just that. Technology today is increasing faster than ever, and in “The Pedestrian” it shows what technology will do to humanity here in a few decades. In “The Pedestrian” the man got pulled over because he was walking and that was not normal in the year around 2052. The policeman responded by saying “”just walking,” he said simply, but his face felt cold”(Bradbury). Even though Leonard had been walking every day for 9 years, and has never been caught it’s because technology has made people couch potatoes, so they don't go out and do anything. It has ruined their humanity by again them being connected to technology too much so they don't socialize anymore. By not socializing anymore people have become more rude and mean to one another. Technology also causes obesity and depression, also causes cyberbullying which happens mostly to younger kids which leads to depression and other emotional stuff. That's what the story “The Pedestrian” was saying about how technology will affect humanity in the future. …show more content…
The EDS could only hold so much weight to much the trip to drop off the medicine, so that's why Marilyn had to be thrown off. The frontier which is pretty much space isn't really meant for humans so when they go off in space like that they have to rely on technology to survive out there. There are certain rules you have to go by to be able to survive out there and Marilyn was a effect of that. She was the effect of technology, she nor the pilot had a say in what technology had set the rules for

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