The First Way: Motion
Since objects can not potentially move while they are actually in motion, they can not move themselves and must be moved by something else. That “something else” is known as God.
The Second Way: Argument from Efficient Causes
Everything effect that occurs is a result of a cause. If a prior cause does not occur, neither will the preceding effect. Therefore, …show more content…
Therefore, things cannot always continually exist and there was a point in time where nothing existed. If nothing existed in the past, no event could ever occur that would lead to our existence. Therefore, there is a being that does not rely on the existence of other objects. This being is God.
The Fourth Way: Argument from Gradation of Being
Things that are labeled as better or worse than other things are compared relatively to the something that is the most perfect of that certain trait. Something that possesses the most perfect qualities created the objects with lesser qualities. That thing, which is the most perfect of all objects, is God.
The Fifth Way: Argument from Design
Most objects lack intelligence, but can achieve their goals by being directed by a being that possesses a higher intelligence. Therefore, everything must be directed by a being that possesses supreme intelligence over everything else. This being is