Compare And Contrast The People And Inventions Of The 1920's

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The people and inventions of the 1920’s improved people's lives in so many ways. Henry Ford was one of the most successful industrialists of the twentieth century. Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line and mass production was a major turning point in the 1920s. Before his invention, only the rich could buy an automobile, but now Henry Ford made it faster and cheaper to make cars.
Henry ford was curious because he would take things apart just to see how they worked. He was also patient because even though he failed many times, he would learn from his mistakes and continue moving forward. Henry Ford was born in Michigan in a small town called Greenfield. From a young age, Ford loved to build things. When Ford was thirteen, his father gave him a pocket watch and Henry took it apart and put it together again, which fascinated many people. At the age of 16, Henry moved out and into Detroit to become a machinist. By 1893, Ford was awarded chief engineer from all of his techniques. ( Editors). Ford Motor Company wasn’t his first car company. His first company was the Detroit Automobile Company. Henry Ford didn’t like the low quality and high prices of the cars. Henry officially produced the ‘Model T’. The Model T is also known as the 'Tin Lizzie'.
Assembly Line
Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line created mass production. Meaning more cars in less time. The workers specialize in one particular area rather than all of them, causing the process to slow down.
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Workers hated it so the rate of the workers quitting increased greatly. Then Henry Ford doubled the workers wages to $5 per day and reduced to an 8 hour work day, and people swarmed in at large numbers. Ford paid his workers so well so that they could pay for the products they were making. ( Editors).
Even though Henry Ford did not create the first car, he

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