Compare And Contrast Ben Franklin And Frederick Douglass

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The Self-Made Man

According to the term self-made is defined as “having succeeded in life unaided”. There is no truer definition for both Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass. These two amazing, intelligent, and driven men were born in two separate centuries but have many similarities, while at the same time were very different. America would not be what it is today without the contribution of Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass and Benjamin Franklin epitomize the ideal self-made man.
Frederick Douglass was born approximately around 1818, but he was always unsure of his exact birthday. This was another attempt for the slave owners to de-humanize the slaves. He was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland
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From the very beginning of his life he was denied the basic need of nurture and love from his mother because they were separated when Douglass was an infant. During Douglass’ formative years the biggest lesson he learned was complete and total fear of the white man. Contrary to the beginning of Douglass’ life Benjamin Franklin was born to a mother and father as the baby of fifteen. He was born in 1706 in Boston and fully aware of his birthday and relative age. Franklin’s family was poor but steady. They operated as a typical white family unit that did not endure the harsh realities that Douglass faced.
Benjamin Franklin was formally educated for only two years of his life. He father recognized the importance of an education but had to limit it because of financial concerns. When he was twelve he started working as a printer apprentice under the direction of his brother. Franklin naturally excelled at writing and loved to read. The majority of his education came from life experiences and his innate intelligence. Similarly, Frederick Douglass had the same innate intelligence. However, in contrast to Franklin he was not given the same opportunities to formally or informally learn
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Douglass and Franklin epitomize the ideal self-made man and overcame obstacles not known to Americans today. As McMichael and Leonard state Franklin was, “Model of the self-made man, a culture-hero whose life exemplifies the American dream of the poor boy who makes good” (375). Franklin’s resume was extensive and long and included, but not limited to: a printer, a fireman, a scientist, an inventor, a statesman, signer of four major documents in the history of America. According to Walter Isaacson, “Franklin was the first great embodiment of that American archetype: the spunky, self-made Horatio Alger who rises from rags to riches by aspiration and grit, and then dedicates himself to creating a society where others can do the same.” Franklin was also of the mindset that slavery needed to be abolished. According to David Heath, “Franklin recognized that freed slaves could not fend for themselves without help, so he advanced the idea that slaves needed to be educated in order to become contributing members of a free society.” Sadly, Douglass’ resume would include many years as a slave but would also include lecturer in the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, writer and editor. His anti-slavery writings and speeches have had effects on all subsequent

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