Born into slavery. Frederick spent his formative years living “with his grandparents and with an aunt, seeing his mother only four or five times before her death when he was seven” (PBS). At the age of eight, Douglass was sent to Baltimore, Maryland to work for the family of Hugh Auld. It was at this time when Douglass learned to read and write. While learning these valuable skills, Frederick was first exposed to the term “abolition” and “abolitionists”. This proved to be incredibly influential in the years that would follow for Frederick Douglass. Frederick would later reflect on his time in Baltimore with fondness and note that this was the place that laid the framework for his
Born into slavery. Frederick spent his formative years living “with his grandparents and with an aunt, seeing his mother only four or five times before her death when he was seven” (PBS). At the age of eight, Douglass was sent to Baltimore, Maryland to work for the family of Hugh Auld. It was at this time when Douglass learned to read and write. While learning these valuable skills, Frederick was first exposed to the term “abolition” and “abolitionists”. This proved to be incredibly influential in the years that would follow for Frederick Douglass. Frederick would later reflect on his time in Baltimore with fondness and note that this was the place that laid the framework for his