The Importance Of Frederick Douglass To The Abolitionist Movement

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Frederick Douglass was one of the three main keys to the abolitionist movement. He was a genius for being a slave. He learned how to read because he thought that it was a good investment for the feature to get educated. Making a book that has sold thousands of copies seems like a good investment to me. Not only that but he was also one of the great leaders. Under his command many of the abolitionist thought that he was a great anti-slavery leader. Not only that he had the courage to speak against the slave owners and Racist radicals. Frederick Douglass had the courage to try to influence the most important man in the united states deal with threats from the racist pro slavery group and get educated to further his preaching to end slavery.

Frederick had the right idea to be educated. To be an educated person means that you can almost do anything you put your mind to. For him it gave him life. It was his “Milk and Meat” to write on paper. Frederick lived for having the chance of reading and writing. Reading and writing Furthered his abilities to persuade people into joining the abolitionist movement. “A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people.” This means that learning is going to cause problems anyways you must learn to have the courage to learn. Reading and writing was a danger to slaves but frederick douglass lived for reading and writing this taught him to have the courage and be able to speak to the president and make speeches that are worth listening to. Frederick douglass had courage to face the slave owners and speak up against them. Douglass was speaking out regularly against slavery. He gave lectures and became an advisor to President Lincoln during the Civil War if his master had caught him his life at that moment would’ve been ruined. He would have been dragged back into slavery. Frederick Douglass escaped slavery from his cruel master risking his life or even more torture. “The soul that is within me no man can degrade” he had the strength to not let
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This was what people were looking for, a person to speak fluently and intelligently. So that the common man with the common mind would have the interest of what the movement ment. “who have given us our most important successes, believe the emancipation policy, and the use of colored troops, constitute the heaviest blow yet dealt to the rebellion” This was a letter from lincoln to one of his generals. This letter states that the colored army had been a key to success to beating the confederates. Douglass had advised President Lincoln to let former slaves fight for the North. It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. Strong speeches like these got people’s attention, it got Lincolns. He debated with his white counterparts in the Anti-Slavery Society. Frederick Douglass was a good public speaker because he was known to Debate and have the political strategy to win the people over. He debated with white congressmen and created a Black militia along with having the president's approval with letting slaves fight the civil

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