Compare And Contrast Achilles And John F Kennedy

Decent Essays
Two very similar people from two different time eras amazingly are more alike than one would think. One is too believe that the two men have many reasons for being recognized as a leader. The two men had a countless thirst for immortality but yet as they both have a great weakness it retains them from receiving this until death. As the two men Achilles and John F Kennedy neared to their death the two men did not die of natural causes, but by the hands of another human. Achilles and John F Kennedy both strive for immortality, have leadership skills, and both are nearing too their death.
Achilles and John F Kennedy both showed numerous leadership skills, therefore one would more than likely consider them as hero’s. John F Kennedy played an important role in the history of the US, also well-known for contributing with (The My Hero Project) trying to inspire people to their own greatness. He was also involved in many different programs. Achilles was known to be a leader by the way he leads his men into battle, with the strength and courage required to fight against men stronger and weaker then themselves. Therefore both men have been given that right and will always
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The two men both have a weakness that keeps them from being physically immortal. Achilles being the seventh child his mother grew to love him and wanted to protect him from human frailty. She dipped him in the River Styx witch was believed to convey immortality but she dipped every part of his body except for his heel. Therefore made his heel his overall weakness. John F Kennedy was known for his severe back pain therefore that weakness limited him. He had taken numerous medications just to stay alive. The two men searched for their immortality and finally received it. Even though they both had a severe weakness they were remembered by the many accomplishments witch made them immortal in one’s

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