Compare And Contrast Reeves And Achilles

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Comparison of Achilles and Christopher Reeves When comparing Achilles and Christopher Reeves, one can say that they both had some many strengths as well as weaknesses. Achilles, from the movie Troy, had a weakness and that was his “Achilles heel”, if he got shot in his heel he would die. Christopher Reeves, on the other hand, had a super power strength however he could be killed with kryptonite. This is according to the superman movies. There are some other powers that each of these characters have but, the two most important is the Achilles heel and the kryptonite. The characters that are being compared were both a hero and a villain. The hero of the two would be Christopher Reeves, for the fact that he would try to save everyone that needed help before he would save himself. Achilles on the other hand could be a hero or a villain, he could be a hero to his army because all the brave risks he took but he could also be a villain because he tried to kill all of the Trojans and fight hector and kill him. …show more content…
Achilles had way worse and a lot different beliefs, he believed that everyone in troy should be dead. He didn’t care about the people in his army and in the city Troy, if he would have cared then he wouldn’t want to fight in the war. Achilles was a violent and grueling person. Christopher Reeves is the kind of the person that believed that everyone shouldn’t be harmed and everyone was more important than himself. Also he thought everyone had a reason to live unlike Achilles who thought not everyone was important enough to live. Christopher Reeves lived his life way different than Achilles, Christopher lived his life always ready to save someone even if it meant he was putting his self into

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