The strenuous and demanding nature of wrestling practice and the sport in general has caused me to be in the best condition of my life both physically and mentally. Deciding to join the wrestling team gave me my first taste of real responsibility. I realized I had to take action and …show more content…
I had no stake in the teams or how well they did. When I joined the wrestling team that changed because I realized it was my school to and that it was more than just the place where I learned, it was an opportunity to get to know other people and support them in their endeavors. I began to have a sense of pride in my school; when one of our teams won, I won, and vice versa. It didn't matter if I had been at the game or if I knew anyone on that specific team. When I first joined the wrestling team I had a lot of free time on my hands. I did not do much of anything unless someone forced me to. I never had to choose between activities because the things I wanted to do never overlapped. As I became submerged in the workload of practices and meets I realized I would have to learn to prioritize and manage my time to be able to get my school work done and still have some time to relax.
Deciding to join the wrestling team was one of the most influential forces on my life. It taught me many things about myself and the world I live in. I have learned the work ethic it would take to succeed. It has made me better as a person allowing me the chance to one day be of assistance to others who might need that push to get them started on their life. I am now ready to face the world and any obstacles that are in my way of getting to where I want to be in