College Athletes Should Be Paid

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Universities across the country make millions of dollars every year from college athletics. However, student-athletes receive nothing except for college tuition and room/board in return, even though they are the foundation of the entire industry. This one-sided trend must not continue, for college athletes often struggle to pay for transportation, clothing, a place to live and food to eat, while the universities reap the rewards from their labors. College athletes should be paid money in some form as compensation for universities using their likeness and profiting from their athletic exploits. The first reason college athletes should be paid is that while playing sports for their schools they risk injury, and they lose time for studying which can affect their learning. Student-athletes must be compensated in some way for they are risking their bodies on the playing field, and some injuries they sustain can be life changing. The …show more content…
Universities sell jerseys and other merchandise with the likeness of athletes, and profit from the sales, yet athletes cannot receive any money in return. The recent court case concerning EA Sports and its use of the numbers and positions of college athletes in video games while the actual athletes receives nothing in return is unacceptable. These are both examples of student-athletes being taken advantage of so that the NCAA and other companies can make more money. Coaches and other adults involved in the athletic department of universities are paid millions, while the true moneymakers (athletes) are not actually paid anything. While some of the players struggle to pay for food and find a place to live outside of the college campus, coaches are well paid and live in relative comfort. Athletes aren't rewarded equally for their time or use of their likeness. Student athletes need more compensation for their endeavors on the behalf of their

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