Parents are suppose to brag to others about what their child accomplished in his or her early stages of life. Mine have always bragged about my singing, always claiming, "She will go far with her voice". I used to never pay any mind to it, but as the years have passed it has continued to hold true. My mother especially would courage me on. We have created memories between singing in car rides, to karaoke night, to even trying out for America's Got Talent together. She has been the main influence in my music decisions. I wouldn't even know how to sing or have learned all that I have if it weren't for her. Now all my dreams are to become a choral director for high school students so that I can show them they have a voice no matter the situation. …show more content…
I would always answer, "a singer". Singing makes me feel good. It gives me a gateway to express how I feel. Being in choir for 5 years has further peaked my childlike interest of being a singer. My director, Mr. Goad, has helped influence my decision on being a choir director like himself. The joy he has doing his job and the joy he has given us as students makes me want to accomplish that with my own students one day. He has made an impact and connection with all of his students. Having that feeling and teaching what I love to do is my goal in life and I will do anything to accomplish that