We can not surround ourselves with people and phones and other materialistic things to achieve peace and to become one with nature. For McCandless, the best way to do that was to pack his things and whirlwind up into Alaska. Along the way he encountered some people that maybe (just maybe) he should’ve taken their advice. Meet Franz. An elderly gentleman who has more sense in one bone than Chris had in his whole body. Chris was an adventurer of the most extreme. He was reckless and ignorant to the problems
We can not surround ourselves with people and phones and other materialistic things to achieve peace and to become one with nature. For McCandless, the best way to do that was to pack his things and whirlwind up into Alaska. Along the way he encountered some people that maybe (just maybe) he should’ve taken their advice. Meet Franz. An elderly gentleman who has more sense in one bone than Chris had in his whole body. Chris was an adventurer of the most extreme. He was reckless and ignorant to the problems